ICh. & MultiCh. THELONIUS Sagittarius
* 7. 8. 2002 +27.12.2009
Ch. AEDACH of Eagle x Ch. POGORIA Sagittarius
THELONIUS alias Tonda, Toneček - here two years old
Euro Junior Winner '03
Champion of the Czech Republic
Champion of the Slovakia
Champion of the Romania
Champion of the Poland
Champion of the Wolfhound & Deerhound Club (Breeders club)
Champion KCHCH (Breeders club)
Heart results (doppler) clear: 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
Zemřel v sedmi a půl letech. Diagnóza: náhlá příhoda břišní (pravděpodobně ileus), akutní zánět pobřišnice, uspán.
Tonda died at the age of 7 and half. He developed acute abdomen (likely ileus) together with peritonitis. We had to let him go.
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