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ICh. & MultiCh. HOLD THE LINE Sagittarius

*22. 7. 1996             +7. 8. 2003


Ch. NEVERTON Sagittarius x Ulsvholms KENNA



HOLD THE LINE alias Oldříšek, Olda



Champion of the Czech Republic

Champion of the Slovakia

Champion of the Luxembourg

Champion of the Poland

Champion of the Wolfhound & Deerhound Club (Breeders club)

Champion KCHCH (Breeders club)


2 x Best in Show at International Shows


Zemřel v sedmi letech. Diagnóza: operován pro akutní ileus tenkého střeva
(smotek trávy a slámy), než byla stanovena finální dg, došlo k dehydrataci,
arytmiím. Po aplikaci Cordarone (Amidarone) ochrnutí, selhání ledvin a
jater. Zemřel 9. operační den.
HOLD died just over 7 years old nine days after surgery.  He was operated for acute ileus and prior to finally diagnostics he became dehydratated and developed heart arrhythmias. After treatment by Cordarone (Amidarone) he became paralysed and hepatorenal syndrome, too.



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