* 26. 5. 2006 +4. 4. 2013
ICh. & MultiCh. THELONIUS Sagittarius x Ainsea JATANA
FOLLOW JATANA alias Fífa, Pipi
3 x CAC
2 x r. CAC
Best female - Club Show 2008
Heart results (doppler) clear: 2008, 2010, 2013
Zemřela krátce před sedmými narozeninami po plánované operaci - před výkonem absolvovala četná vyšetření vč. vyštření srdce, všechna s negativním výsledkem. Bohužel po operaci nastala komplikace - torze sleziny jejíž příznky zůstaly skryty ustupující narkozou a pooperační analgezií.
She died nearly to seven years age after planned surgery - before the surgery she went through all examinations (heart, blood, etc.) with absolutely OK results. Unfortunately, after the surgery Fifa had unbelievable complication - splenic torsion - all symptoms about splenic torsion was hidden under outcoming narcosis and under analgesia ....
She died nearly to seven years age after planned surgery - before the surgery she went through all examinations (heart, blood, etc.) with absolutely OK results. Unfortunately, after the surgery Fifa had unbelievable complication - splenic torsion - all symptoms about splenic torsion was hidden under outcoming narcosis and under analgesia ....
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